Saturday, May 14, 2016

Van Gogh in true 3-D...

I worked on a film about 
van Gogh's life in the 1990s 
called Crow in the Storm.
Laid out as a path through 
his life by way of his paintings, 
envisioned through 100 pages 
of color storyboards for 
traditional animation-
save for a final scene shot 
depicting van Gogh's death,
to the music of John Fogarty,
Long As I Can See The Light.

The movie never got made.

But from it sprung a need to create 
Vincent van Gogh and his world 
in actual 3-D to accentuate the 
concept. Some three dimensional
versions, in clay, of Van Gogh...
Most of the photographs are taken 
by Jerry Downs.

Vince: Go Ahead...
Glazed porcelain, mixed media

Vince: Hey Buddy...
Glazed stoneware, mixed media
Available through Zenith Galley, 
Washington, DC

Vince: I Think He Was A Little Hard of Hearing...
Glazed stoneware, mixed media
Collection of Maggie Wilde, Boulder, CO

Vince: I Think He Was A Little Hard of Hearing...#2
Glazed porcelain, mixed media
Collection of Steven Weissman, Takoma Park, MD

Self-Portrait, Vincent Van Gogh
The original 
National Gallery, Washington, DC

Vince: Out Into The Cool of The Evening Strolls 
The Pretender (After van Gogh and J. Browne)
Glazed porcelain, Mixed media
Collection of Tom Verica/Kyra Arne

Portrait of the Artist as a Van Gogh painting
Photo: Jerry Downs

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